How to Make Money from Blogging in 2023?

Blogging has been a popular activity since the early days of the internet. It allows individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and knowledge with a large audience, and can even serve as a source of income. If you want to start blogging, there’s no need to worry about standing out in a crowded field. With the right approach and persistence, it’s possible to build a successful blog and monetize it in 2023. You’ll explore how to make money from blogging.

In this article, we’ll explore the world of blogging and discuss how to turn your passion into a source of income & how to make money from blogging. We’ll cover what blogging is, how many views you’ll need to start making money from your blog, and how new bloggers can start blogging. We’ll also address the question of whether or not starting a blog is still worth it in 2023. Whether you’re an experienced blogger looking to monetize your website or a beginner who’s just starting out, this article will provide valuable information and tips to help you succeed.

What is Blogging?

Blogging is a way to tell your story and share your thoughts publicly by writing and publishing content on the internet. It is also a medium that can drive income.

blogging 2022

As blog owners you will have the opportunity to advertise products, services or any other promotional content including Google Ads on your blog as well as generating revenue from your hosted blogs on other platforms.

Bloggers can serve their content to a wide variety of target markets. This includes media outlets and advertisers. Considering these different possibilities, blogging looks like a highly lucrative business.

With this in mind, it is becoming more and more important that beginners learn it effectively. That’s why we are here!

Blogging can also be seen as an autobiography in which you share your personal experiences, ambitions, and opinions. Blogs come in all shapes and sizes, from more complex and visually appealing to simple one-entry long.

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How to Make Money from Blogging?

money blog 2022
Money Blog 2023

Signing up for Google AdSense is probably the best way to start. There are various other methods to make money from blogging in 2023.

These are the top 7 ways that will help you to understand important pointers for “How to Make Money Blogging in 2023”:

1. Select a profitable niche

A niche is simply a category that your target audience is interested in. This is the first step to discovering what will make you successful. Blogging is all about finding this audience, and making sure to get them interested in your content.

Not every niche is a good one to make money. The criteria for profitable niches are: it’s something you’re interested in or skilled at, has little competition, and has monetization potential.

2. Build an email list

Building an email list can be difficult, but in the end, it will help your blog reach more readers. Keep in mind that your list doesn’t need to be massive, but it does need to be serious about marketing. Your blog will be better for all of the contacts added, so go for it!

A successful email list asserts that your loyal readers value your opinion. Encourage & incentivize people to sign up for your email list when they visit your site. Promote free checklists, recommended products, resource lists, and PDF-packaged blog content to entice your readers.

3. Join affiliate marketing programs

Affiliate marketing is a great way to build your income and attract new readers. With affiliate marketing, you earn money by referring sales or leads to a company or service. They then pay you a certain percentage on the referrals that you make and get converted.

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There are many popular ways to get involved with affiliate marketing. This includes applying for an affiliate program and using third-party advertising services. Many readers don’t realize that personal blogs can actually be a part of their personal network, too!

4. Sell advertising space on your page

A lot of advertisers are happy paying bloggers for advertising space on their sites. Any extra, unused space on your blog page, sell it to them for a fee. This can range anywhere from $100-500 or more. Ensure the ad doesn’t decrease the user experience, and it’s what you’ll want to do in the long run.

5. Write sponsored posts

Every business is interested in genuine testimonials from customers who have used the product or service. Writing sponsored posts and reviews on blogs is an effective way to promote a business and gain some income.

Don’t always wait for businesses to reach out to you. You can contact your favorite brands and ask if they’re willing to sponsor a review on your blog. Remember to be honest with your readers, and include a disclaimer that you are being incentivized for writing the post.

6. Sell digital & physical products

Selling digital & physical products is a great way to make money without repeatedly having to put in a lot of work. This includes selling products such as diaries, bags, t-shirts, e-books, and online courses. Many people have monetized their blogs using these products.

Digital products are more scalable to sell alongside a blog. Also, they reduce the costs of manufacturing & shipping. Physical products are more scalable for raving fans who are keen on supporting their favorite bloggers. They are eager to have merchandise from an influencer they love.

7. Provide services to clients

Offering services to clients is a great way to generate additional income. When you are a specialist in your chosen niche, it makes it easier to consult other businesses. Consulting on projects or writing guest posts will place your expertise & skills in the hands of new clients.

Freelance writing, workshops, graphic design, and various other consulting services are services that you can offer and earn money. A sales letter can be written that outlines your services & expertise.

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How Many Views Does Your Blog Need to Make Money?

This depends on how much you would like to make every month – realistically. Depending on where your audience is primarily from, will determine your RPM or ‘revenue per mille’. This amount can range from $0.10 to $50 per 1 000 views.

New bloggers usually make anywhere from $200 to $3 500 per month. If a blog has thousands of hits a month, then of course you can bring in more money! People pay ‘per mille’ views. This means that you charge a flat fee of, say, one dollar per 1000 impressions or views you get.

The reason why advertisers are willing to pay this ‘per mille’ rate is because of the growing popularity of blogging as a ‘job’. People now expect to get paid just like a magazine advert or a radio commercial.

Rankings on key search engine sites have led to advertisers expecting their ads to be among the top results. In other words, advertisers are shifting from producing print adverts, to producing online adverts. Blogs are one of the most common places where ads can be seen regularly..

Marketing your blog properly and writing high-quality content is in your best interest. The more traffic you have, the more you can leverage this when negotiating with advertisers about the amount they are prepared to pay. Marketing for more views could potentially mean more money.

How Can New Bloggers Get Started?

These 5 simple steps will help any blogger to start blogging.

1. Pick a name and a hosting plan for your blog

The domain name of your blog is basically just your URL. It is important and leaves a first impression on the reader’s mind. Selecting a good hosting plan such as LiquidWeb, HostGator, WPX, Bluehost, Shopify or SiteGround, is a good way to start.

Browse through different hosting plans to find one that works for your business.

2. Start your blog on WordPress

WordPress has proven to be the recommended site for new bloggers. You merely need to install it and start designing your page. WordPress is easy to update as users can easily add new articles and images. Users can also make changes to existing pages using the WordPress dashboard.

WordPress provides an easy-to-follow tutorial on starting a blog.

3. Choose a theme to personalize your blog

A blog theme is a design of your site that you can optimize whenever you wish to. You can purchase themes from the same company that makes the WordPress theme itself or from independent providers like themeforest or envanto.

A good theme is a key to a visually appealing design.

4. Add two plugins to track stats and find readers

Plugins are tools that websites use to improve functionality. Yoast SEO is a popular plugin that will help a blogger focus on keyword research and optimizing the blog post. MonsterInsights is a plugin that tracks visitors to your blog and monitors how long readers stay on their visits.

Writing a blog takes time and effort. So, tracking individuals that come to your site and know what they like is helpful.

5. Do keyword research to write compelling content

Now, let the fun begin! Once it complete, you get to start creating content. Add visually appealing images, a well-designed logo, and create social pages to market your content. Publish your content, watch the search engine traffic increase, and start benefiting from your hard work.

Remember to engage with your readers wherever possible.

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Top 10 Blogging Website or Platforms

There are many blogging platforms available on the internet, but some of the most popular ones include:


Each of these platforms has its own set of features and capabilities, and the best one for you will depend on your specific needs and goals. Some are better suited for beginners, while others are more advanced and suitable for professional bloggers. Some are free to use, while others require a paid subscription. It’s worth taking the time to research and compare different platforms to find the one that works best for you.

Is a Blog Still Worth it in 2023?

The long and short answer to this question is, YES! Many people consume content in different ways. Although video content and image sharing have become incredibly popular, it doesn’t mean people have stopped reading blogs. There are numerous people who shows in reading blog posts.

Blogs are relevant to people of all ages and are certainly an effective approach to building a loyal following. They are also easy to market once you start getting a following.

When you have a following, you can begin to leverage the social media platforms which you began developing while building your blog. Once you’ve had success, you can decide if it is time to monetize your blog.

People read blogs and they find them interesting. As with any industry, they like to be aware of what is going on, expertly written or not. They like a more personal perspective on certain topics.

Writers have found a way to write about what interests them, build a following, and make money from blogging. It all begins with people, who when engaged with a topic, not only look for an opinion but also seek out a deeper understanding.

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You should note that social media giants are fighting back against the popularity of blogs and other written content platforms. It might not be enough to post your own content anymore and rely on Google for views and readership.

Today, blogging is more than just posting content. It is about creating a community around your views, increasing credibility, and getting in front of the right audience. Although this is a complicated business, it is relatively straightforward in the long run.

Blog writing is a skill that most people can easily learn. It isn’t something exclusive only to writers. There are several blog tools available to help people develop their blog and promote it.

Making money from blog writing also depends on picking the right niche. The truth is that most people think running a blog is a one-person job. It is possible to do it yourself. But, for long-term profitability, it actually takes a community to make a blog profitable. Hopefully, you have answer on how to make money from blogging.


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